Official Furby Wiki
Official Furby Wiki

Oddbody Furbys are customised Furbys that have been given different bodies to the original model. A popular example would be a LongFurby.

Oddbody "species" "subspecies" Description
LongFurby Classic two feet at bottom
Finger a classic but tiny
Wormby no limbs
Furretby two feet by head
Catterby four or more pairs of feet
Giraffurby four feet at bottom
Fattyfurby/Chonk long but large
Loaf long but the other way
Mobius a head on either side
Merby a mermaid furby
Winged Furby Angel furby with back wings
Bird furby with side wings
Humanoid has human limbs,

may also be a longfurby

Toy Hybrids Beanie Bear/Boo hybrids buddy faceplates on ty beanie toys
Plush hybrids buddy faceplates on soft toys
Object hybrids