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Official Furby Wiki

Year 2000 Furby is a 1998 Furby that is a special edition. It is version two of the two Millennium Furbys.


The Year 2000 Furby has bright blue body fur. It has silver stomach fur and tail. The faceplate is blue. It has blue feet, silver orange ear insides, blue ear backs, and white eyelashes. It also has a blue, silky ribbon around its waist that reads "Year 2000 Furby".

This Furby shares its blue and silver coloring with Millennium Furby V1.

Year 2000 Furby's poem[]

This poem is found on Year 2000 Furby's tag.

Furby can’t wait for New Year’s Day,
It’s the next millennium, yippee it’s Y2K
Hard to believe that it’s finally here,
Let’s toast and
celebrate an exciting new year.

Furby and friends are waiting to see,
What will happen in the next century.
The 20th was grand, many changes took
place, Radio, TV, computers,
and a race into space.

Furby wants you to “noh-lah” (dance)
and have “dah doo-ay” (big fun),
But also contribute in a very special way.
Think of others, be very kind, too,
The future is bright, it’s all up to you.

January 1, 2000, is the day
it will start,
New resolutions pledged
from the heart.
A time to reflect and a time to enjoy,
With Furby,
the sensational millennium toy.


  • In December 1999, the other Millennium Furby was produced. Year 2000 Furby is easier to find then Millennium Furby V1 due to having 250,000 created, versus 50,000.
  • This Furby is also known as "Millennium Furby V2".


See also[]

Furby 1998 Special Editions
SLE-spring-4 Spring Time30b0611ec6 36035010 o2 GraduationPatriotic5 Patriotic/LibertyWizard furby Wizard
SLE-millennium-3 Millennium V1SLE-millennium-2 Year 2000SLE-racing-2 RacingSLE-witch-1 Autumn/Witch
SLE-tropical-1 TropicalSanta furby SantaReindeer furby ReindeerSLE-jester-1 JesterSLE-valentine-1 Valentine's Day
SLE-easter-2 EasterSLE-royal-1 Royal/KingSLE-president-1 PresidentSLE-angel-1 Angel
SLE-hich-c-1 Kid CuisineBejeweled HighQuality BejewelledRainbow furbaby Rainbow